Monday, August 17, 2009

Bumpits – Yup, they work!

I’m not going to lie; I’m no hair stylist. Styling is by no means my forte. But as a girl, I do know that the perfect “bitch poof” can fall out of even the most hair-sprayed head as fast as you can say, well, “poof!”


Now that teasing our hair is back in, what’s a girl to do?!


Miracle of miracles, Bumpits were invented. A while back I blogged about how I wasted 20 minutes of my life just trying to get through to the damn payment section of, so I won’t waste anyone’s time telling that story again. But FINALLY, the Bumpits have arrived on my doorstep!


You’re the first to hear it from me: Bumpits work! However, they take a bit of getting used to. The key to creating a successful poof with the Bumpits is to TEASE the hell out of your hair (as the instructions say to do)! If you don’t tease, and hairspray, and tease again, the Bumpit comb will show right through your hair. Can you say, “taccckkkyyy?” So tease, tease, tease ladies!


I wore my hair in a poof with my new Bumpit all day today and it didn’t even come close to falling out. Now THAT is an impressive poof.


The package of Bumpits I ordered came with three different styles of Bumpits:

1)   The Hollywood Bumpit (way too high of a bump for my taste)

2)   The regular Bumpit (just right!)

3)   The bangs Bumpit (it works but I’ll probably never use it. ). 


Another crazy thing about the Bumpits is that they come in four different colors so you can match them to your hair: Light blond, medium/dark blond, auburn, and black. I ordered the light blond.


The only thing I wish I did differently is ordering from instead It would have saved me a lot of hassle and possibly some money. But overall, I do recommend this product.





queen said...

Let me know if you want to try the Original Hair Bumping Styling Tool. Visit and I will send you one.

Sarah said...

I'd love to try it! I'll visit tomorrow, must sleep now!

Sarah said...

Ps. I moved my blog to URL, check it out!